0 Gedanken zu „Turbo window washer“

  1. n 1876, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. While he hanged her he said Bukakke Bukkake.
    Now that you have read this message, she will find you and her dead body will haunt your house for 5 years. Every night you go to sleep she will appear in your closet, hanging their with her glowing red eyes.
    repost 3 times to be saved

  2. n 1876, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. While he hanged her he said Bukakke Bukkake.
    Now that you have read this message, she will find you and her dead body will haunt your house for 5 years. Every night you go to sleep she will appear in your closet, hanging their with her glowing red eyes.
    repost 3 times to be saved n 1876, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. While he hanged her he said Bukakke Bukkake.
    Now that you have read this message, she will find you and her dead body will haunt your house for 5 years. Every night you go to sleep she will appear in your closet, hanging their with her glowing red eyes.
    repost 3 times to be saved n 1876, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. While he hanged her he said Bukakke Bukkake.
    Now that you have read this message, she will find you and her dead body will haunt your house for 5 years. Every night you go to sleep she will appear in your closet, hanging their with her glowing red eyes.
    repost 3 times to be saved

  3. yo ist vor allem auch tierisch alt, auf den ganzen ami seiten machen selbst die größten deppen das seit nem halben jahr nicht mehr. die vollpfosten wissen schätzungsweise nicht mal was das bedeutet und dachten sich: ey das postet jeder fünfte, wenn ich das auch mache find ich vielleicht freunde.
    aber was solls ist genau die selbe scheiße wie wenn man genau hinsieht…
    leute die sowas posten erleben nix und haben dementsprechend wenig zu erzählen.

    ach ja…putze bleibt putze

  4. am wochenende macht der die gleichen bewegungen in nem zappelbunker nur mit so leuchtstiften in der hand und weisse handschuhen…
    man, die musik geht mir ja sowas von auf sack

    ich brauch jetzt erst mal nen muckefuck


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