0 Gedanken zu „er war jung und brauchte das geld“

  1. Heut is voll öde! Außer baumfisch, der geht sofort in die Offensive, damit’s mal spannend wird!!!

    Mach et…Otze!!!

    Nur die besten arbeiten im Archiv!

  2. @raptile:

    … also wer nicht verstanden hat worueber der text geht hat echt ausgeschissen 😉

    Wie kann man nur die Woerter: Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, etc. nicht verstehen.

  3. ach die haben doch alle gekifft!


    n star trek-schauspieler der alten garde singt in nem total behämmerten musik-video über hobbits????

    freak! jetzt muss ich immer lachen, wenn ich spock seh, toll -.-

  4. In the middle of the earth in the land of the Shire
    lives a brave little hobbit whom we all admire.
    With his long wooden pipe,
    fuzzy, woolly toes,
    he lives in a hobbit-hole and everybody knows him

    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    He’s only three feet tall
    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    The bravest little hobbit of them all

    Now hobbits are a peace-lovin‘ folks you know
    They don’t like to hurry and they take things slow
    They don’t like to travel away from home
    They just want to eat and be left alone
    But one day Bilbo was asked to go
    on a big adventure to the caves below,
    to help some dwarves get back their gold
    that was stolen by a dragon in the days of old.

    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    He’s only three feet tall
    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    The bravest little hobbit of them all

    Well he fought with the goblins!
    He battled a troll!!
    He riddled with Gollum!!!
    A magic ring he stole!!!!
    He was chased by wolves!!!!!
    Lost in the forest!!!!!!
    Escaped in a barrel from the elf-king’s halls!!!!!!!

    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    The bravest little hobbit of them all

    Now he’s back in his hole in the land of the Shire,
    that brave little hobbit whom we all admire,
    just a-sittin‘ on a treasure of silver and gold
    a-puffin‘ on his pipe in his hobbit-hole.

    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    He’s only three feet tall
    Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins
    The bravest little hobbit of them all

  5. Leo auf Droge! Köpferasseln, Kleiderwerfen, Tussenhoppeln – das Zeug muss der Hammer gewesen sein. Ob es diese Qualität heute noch gibt?


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